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Easy Network Camera
Easy to use. Outstanding performance.
Suitable to residence and small business.
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Products from the Easy series are the most popular choices for entry-level applications such as residential and small retail stores. It consists of EasyBasic series and EasyStar series. The most important business value of them is to provide excellent performance at an affordable price.
They all feature Ultra 265 compression technology developed exclusively by Uniview. Besides, Easy series products are very easy to install and maintain, which means they can be applied anywhere in seconds. Easy series products are the most cost-effective option for residential and small business applications.
Universal Block Storage (UBS)
Ensure the safety of data while enhancing the efficiency.
EasyStar Technology
Radically reduce blurring, deliver clear, bright and colorful image.
Ultra 265 Compression Technology
Reduce up to 95% bandwidth and storage space without compromise on image details.
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EasyStar Series
Unboxing 5MP EasyStar
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